Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Over a Decade

I have known Jen for over a decade.   This past weekend we relived a lot of those memories cleaning out the “purple” room (aptly named for its bright purple paint color).  Many laughs, some with tears, were had over letters written to one another during our summers at camp and diary entries that included, “I’m in love with Zach Morris”.   Oh and we found an old Christmas list from Jen in which she included the all important items of “a neckless and orange juice.’ 

After four full trash cans and a van load of donations to Goodwill, the room is ready.  For what?  Twins!  That’s right.  My bestie is now, as we say, making humans—two of them!   I can’t wait to welcome them into the world and tell them tons of stories.  That is why we have decades of memories together, right? To embarrass you to your kids! 

Jen, You are the best and will make an amazing mother.  Can’t wait to meet your munchkins!  Here’s a prayer to keep you going as your make your two humans! Love ya.

Mother of Twins Prayer
There’s two to wash,
There’s two to dry;
There’s two who argue,
There’s two who cry.
One’s in the mud,
Having a ball;
The other holds a crayon…
Another marked wall.
Some days seem endless,
My patience grows thin.
Why did God choose me
To be a mother of twins?
The answer comes clear-
At the end of the day,
As I tuck them in bed
And to myself I say…
There’s two to kiss,
There’s two to hug;
And best of all,
Thank You, God, for two to love

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