Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Howard Schultz Makes My List

Tonight when Cameron and I went to dinner, I declared, “If I could have coffee with five people in the world, Howard Schultz would be on the list.   Him and Joan of Arc.  I am still figuring out thee other slots.”

Cam’s response, with a bit of laughter, “Well, at least you know he could pay for the coffee.” 

Several months ago, Cam and I watched a CNBC Documentary on Schultz and Starbucks.  I am so intrigued by his commitment to coffee but also to making coffeehouses a place for community.  In many ways, he was describing what the church should be.  Even his new book subtitle has religious overtones.  Makes you think about the way that the church and the marketplace swap lingo and to what avail.

I am so looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of his new book Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its life Without Losing It’s Soul.  Check out this review:

Lastly, I think I would get a long with Howard Schultz because this is what he admits about himself:  My tendency to let enthusiasm morph into impatience was a trait widely known throughout the company – generally appreciated, but occasionally a cause of frustration.” (Onward pg. 125).  I think that my co-workers might say the exact same thing about me!  Howard, I am looking forward to coffee someday.  I think you, me and Joan would have very interesting conversation.  

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mumford & Sons

I am absolutely in love with the Mumford & Sons CD.  Seriously, every time I get in my car and remember that it is in the CD player, I get a little giddy.  I definitely suggest checking it out.

“Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you … 
it will set you free.”   

Sunday, March 27, 2011

So Much Love

I don't have kids but I get my fill of kids at church and babysitting.  Sunday I got to hang out with lots of them!  

First, at church, one of the little boys at church came up to me and said, "When do I get hang out at your house?  We should have a play date."  I love that I am cool to four-year olds!

Then, I had to babysit and I admit there is nothing quite like going to babysit and having the children scream ‘”DANIELLE! YEAH!!!!!!”  right when you walk in the door.  Kayla and Preston are so fabulous and just like family.  Kayla informed her mom that she loved when I came to babysit because I giver lots of goodnight kisses and hugs.

Love them. So fun.   

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Would the Stars Be Enough?

Today I had the opportunity to preach as part of our continuing Walk by Faith not Fear series at CTK.   The texts were the Abram and Mary being told that despite the most irrational of circumstances, they would have children and be blessings to future generations.  Abram was far from believing and then God does something miraculous…and shows him the stars. 

An excerpt from my sermon…

“When we walk in fear, we are held captive to anxiety that God can’t be trusted.   We hear things like God is healer, provider, sustainer and we wonder…will God be that for me? People living in fear don’t allow that possibility of yes to enter in. 

Yet people walking by faith are not afraid of who God can and will be in our lives.  They answer the question, “Can God be trusted?” with a yes, knowing that the yes will very likely unfold differently than they expect.  And they are very aware that the decision to trust God is not a one-time decision.  We make it over and over again each day in spoken and unspoken way. 

I think that is why God takes Abram to see the stars…because the stars will always be there as a reminder.  Abram doesn’t have to dig through the attic to find a memento that reminds him of “high-times” of his faith, Abram doesn’t have to rely solely on others reminding him, he can simply look up at the stars and be reminded of God’s plan, be reminded of God’s promises and be reminded that God can be trusted.   Even in the darkest night sky the promise of God’s love and faithfulness is present.

What are your stars?  What ways to does God remind you? Is it water—as it splashes on your face each morning and evening and fills your stomach throughout the day, does it remind you of God’s promise to you in baptism?  Is it in bread and wine taken together as a family of faith reminding you of God’s promise to be with us to the very end of the age, healing our sin-sick souls.  Perhaps it is a cross around your neck?

In my sermon, I talked about the ways that God overwhelms my fear and reminds me of grace. One of those ways is through the old hymn, “I love to tell the Story.”  A beautiful elderly woman in my congregation taught it to me and I look forward to the day when I will be able to see it with her for all eternity.  It is funny how much someone who is seventy years older than you can change your life so much.  I, beyond a shadow of a doubt, believe she (and that song!) are of the reasons I am serving in full-time ministry now.  Thank you Lucille Graham.  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sermon Time

So, all I can say about the following sermon is that my working title was “Abram and Joel Osteen walk into a bar…”  I later renamed it “Crackerbarrel and the Blessings of God.”   Enjoy! 

NOTE: I promise that I say something Jesus-y. You just have to get past the first three minutes or so.   As one of my best friends would say, “I had jokes that morning.” 

Lego Version of Abram's Call

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hey Mr. Postman

Listen to what happened to me at the post office.  I know that most of you simply go in and mail your packages without much fanfare…you are missing out.   I was standing in line to mail my taxes to my brother (he takes care of me!).  I walked up to the counter and handed my flat rate priority envelope to man. He responded, “You are beautiful.”  I must have blushed and looked away for a brief moment because he said, “I mean it.  You are gorgeous.”   At this point, I am very weirded out.  He proceeds to say, “If I wasn’t working, I would ask for your number.”  The only thing that I could mumble was, “That’s okay sir.  I’m good.” 

His response?  “I couldn’t take the rest of the day off sick if you want?” 

I simply handed him my cash and got out of there.  I wasn’t prepared for such a friendly postal clerk and besides it was before 10am, and I hadn’t had a chai latte yet! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Walking in Faith not Fear

In our Lenten small groups at church, we are reading Do not Live Afraid.  The author challenges us to look at what makes us afraid (fears beyond that of frogs or that bruce lee lives in your basement).  Using the story of the midwives in Exodus, the author points out that the fear is part of the politics of death—babies are being killed because people are afraid. Pharaoh is a afraid of what might happen if God’s people because too numerous.  Birthing mothers are afraid what will happen to their children if they don’t follow Pharaoh’s order.  In the midst of the story come Puah and Shiphrah, two midwives, who the scriptures say “fear the Lord.”  The author point out that the fear of God does a politic of death but of life.  Their fear/awe of God’s holiness and trust in God’s goodness, allowed them to unseat the powerful fear of death and Pharaoh and instead be a part of bringing life.  These two women allowed their "fear for" others unseat the fear of what might happen to them if they didn't participate in the politics of death.   As a our group talked, we were prompted to think about the question, “Who do you fear for?”  We noted that we often fear something but rarely do we fear for someone.  We may feel pity or sorrow but do we really fear for others?  Who do you fear for?  What does it mean to fear for them?  And is it only death that we fear for them? Or is that they will be held by the politics of death without knowing there is a way that brings life? 

More to come on fear as the Lenten season unfolds!