Sunday, June 19, 2011

Celebrating My Daddio!

My wonderful dad!
Yes, we know he looks like he could be in the mafia! 
After I posted about the wonderful things I learned from my mom over the years, my dad called and said, “Where’s my post?”  Admittedly, his birthday was a week earlier than my mom’s which makes it look bad.  Alas, I promised a celebration of my Daddy on Father’s Day.  Cheers to you! 

My dad is one of those amazing people that makes you feel significant for just being you! My dad is continually encouraging me to pursue my calling and share the gifts that God has given me with the world.  I remember when I was first sensing a call to ministry.  I was afraid to share it with my parents because I just spent a ton of money on pursing an education in Political Communications.  When I worked up the courage to tell my dad, his response was merely, “I have been waiting for you to realize that!  Go for it.” 

I did not, however, get my sense of adventure from my daddy—especially in regards to third world travel.  This has become a bit of a comical point in regards to my dad’s ashes.  My dad called one day and said, “I know who is going to get my ashes and it is not you.”  “Why?” I asked.  “I don’t want to travel to a third world country while I am alive, and I know you’ll take me to one if I give you the ashes.  With my luck, you’ll take me out and ride a camel and I’ll spill all over.”  He said, my brother is getting the ashes because he isn’t leaving Ohio

I do credit my daddy for my love of the NFL.  I spent the majority of my young life growing up thinking that I would either be the next head coach of the L.A. Raiders (I know they are in Oakland now)or Chris Berman by accident.  My daddy taught me about football, and even helped me convince my mom that NFL paraphernalia was completely appropriate attire for a middle school girl.  Not sure the Zooba pants were a good move, but I loved my Raiders get up nonetheless.  It is ironic that I have a job that requires a lot of Sunday hours—thank God for the DVR!  I can remember the first game he took me to.  I sat in the stadium in Cincinnati with my giant Raiders Starter jacket complete with a fur hood.  

Perhaps my favorite thing about my dad is that I know he loves me unconditionally.  My dad goes the extra mile for all of us.  He is a wonderful example of what it means to give your life for another. 

Daddio, I love you!

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