Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Teaser for Sunday's Sermon

Fasting, Tomatoes and the Justice of God 
Based on Isaiah 58 

"In this passage of Isaiah, the people are feeling pretty good about themselves.   They are beginning to rebuild their homes and lives.  The plans for the temple rebuild are underway and the people are trying to live right before God.  They are trying to avoid the same fate as their ancestors.  They are trying to shape up before they are shipped out, or exiled again.  In worship, they are fasting and making offerings to God—this is exactly what he wanted right? 


Isaiah breaks into their self-affirming thoughts and trumpets, “This is not the kind of fast that God wants.”  God does not desire empty religious ritual while lifestyles remains unchanged.  God does not desire abundant offerings that were earned at the expense—and often exploitation—of the poor.   I love in the text that Israel says, “Hey God. We are doing what you told us. Why aren’t you looking us with favor or doing what we want?”  How many times have I done that?  God, I am praying…why are you doing nothing?  God, I am reading my bible, being nice…why aren’t you doing what I want?" 

Join me at Christ the King for ABC Worship this Sunday! 
danielle kathryn    

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